
京都を拠点に活動する琴奏者・島崎春美のブログです。生徒さまへのご指導の他にも、各種パーティー、結婚披露宴への出張演奏を行っております。築110年の京町家「筝春庵(soushunan)」での1日お琴体験レッスンも行っています。母、錦綾子とともに「琴綾会」を主催、京都池坊「こころホール」にて生徒さんと演奏会を開いています。世界遺産・下鴨神社 専属演奏家、輪違屋・島原太夫 専属演奏家。ギターとのDuoをはじめとするジャズユニットMETIAにて、ドラムや尺八との和洋折衷セッションも行います。

島崎春美のホームページ←クリック                    「はてなブログ」←クリック(以前のはてなブログもご覧ください)。

左の欄はyou tube動画を並べてあります。
↓↓左欄の下のほうから(年/月)過去のブログが見れます。                      右の欄は↓春美のブログです。↓       


京都 琴(箏)だより(嬉しいお便り、中国より)


Dear 春美さん,

Greetings! First of all, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to you. Under your guidance, My father and I have learned so much about playing the KOTO, and I feel a deep sense of joy and satisfaction from the lesson.

This experience is precious to me, and I will cherish every photo of us together as a testament to this beautiful memory. I also hope that we will have the opportunity to meet again in the future, to continue learning from you, and to deepen this rare connection.

At the same time, I would like to apologize. Due to a delayed flight, I have just returned home and only now have the chance to write this letter. As my language skills are still limited, there may be some awkward phrasing. I hope you will kindly understand.

I have also attached some photos of the Sakura in my school, and I look forward to someday visiting Kyoto to enjoy them, experiencing the beauty.

Finally, once again, thank you for your guidance. I wish you all the best in the future, and may you enjoy good health and happiness.

With sincere thanks and best wishes,

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