
京都を拠点に活動する琴奏者・島崎春美のブログです。生徒さまへのご指導の他にも、各種パーティー、結婚披露宴への出張演奏を行っております。築110年の京町家「筝春庵(soushunan)」での1日お琴体験レッスンも行っています。母、錦綾子とともに「琴綾会」を主催、京都池坊「こころホール」にて生徒さんと演奏会を開いています。世界遺産・下鴨神社 専属演奏家、輪違屋・島原太夫 専属演奏家。ギターとのDuoをはじめとするジャズユニットMETIAにて、ドラムや尺八との和洋折衷セッションも行います。

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京都 琴(箏)だより(皆と仲良く)


It's taken me months to write this review simply because I'm not sure how to put into words the amazing experience we had.
My little sister and I were traveling the golden road and got to Kyoto after about a week of traveling. We're both musically gifted (trained classically on piano and violin and had many experiences with instruments from around the world) and the idea of learning the koto piqued both of our interests.
I can speak Japanese at a child's level but my sister doesn't speak at all, so I was determined to help her understand to the best of my ability, but it was a relief Harumi-sensei could explain in English.
Our frantic arrival in Kyoto meant we couldn't drop off our bags at our ryokan so our host graciously allowed us to leave our bags in the front room.
Not only did we get to learn the main song, Sakura, but she also taught us a song called 夕やけ小やけ (Sunset Glow) in a new tuning style.
Since my sister and I are equally gifted, we played well together and we surprised our teacher (which was our main goal!) and so it turned out to be a joy.
After our lesson, she offered us some quintessential Japanese snacks and played her arrangement of Sakura. Each verse had us dropping our jaws in awe and I tried my best not to make too much noise with the wrappings on the snacks. (It was almost impossible haha)
She then joined us for some chats and we talked about culture and tourism and her review of our lesson.
I'd love to go back, and I personally plan to, even if I can't bring my sister again, because I'd love to learn more songs and get some practice in.
I can't stress enough the importance of a basic cultural understanding before you come to Japan, because even if you only understand the foundations, you'll truly understand the weight of Harumi-sensei's hospitality. It was a wonderful experience and I urge anyone with a sense of musical ability to try your hand at a beautiful instrument.

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