
京都を拠点に活動する琴奏者・島崎春美のブログです。生徒さまへのご指導の他にも、各種パーティー、結婚披露宴への出張演奏を行っております。築110年の京町家「筝春庵(soushunan)」での1日お琴体験レッスンも行っています。母、錦綾子とともに「琴綾会」を主催、京都池坊「こころホール」にて生徒さんと演奏会を開いています。世界遺産・下鴨神社 専属演奏家、輪違屋・島原太夫 専属演奏家。ギターとのDuoをはじめとするジャズユニットMETIAにて、ドラムや尺八との和洋折衷セッションも行います。

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京都 琴(箏)だより(お琴体験・アメリカ ノースカロライナより)


When planning our recent trip to Japan, I thought it would be intriguing to take an introductory koto lesson. After some searching on the internet, I came across Soushanun and its remarkable teacher Harumi Shimazaki. I have a long background playing string instruments. This was helpful to a degree. But for me, the koto was unlike any instrument with which I am competent. The 80 minute lesson was more an introductory experience with some aspects of a lesson. Ms. Harumi, as she wishes to be called, gave an introduction and orientation. We then commenced playing. This involves sightreading what I would call Japanese tablature. There is no western musical notation involved. There are some guides to orient you to the strings both on the instrument and the tablature. But you have to do a lot of rapid learning.

For me this was an outstanding experience. I have not read all the reviews left by others. But participants consistently have given their lessons high marks. I agree. It was fascinating. I think some musical background with stringed instruments is helpful. You certainly need to be able to grasp the basic melody quickly. This is not an experience for someone with no sense of music who wants to dip into Japanese culture. Ms. Harumi is a patient encouraging teacher as well as a stunning performer. If I lived in Kyoto I believe I would take lessons from her. Alas, this is not the case. But I heartily encourage those with some musical talent to jump in without worry and enjoy the opportunity to learn.

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