
京都を拠点に活動する琴奏者・島崎春美のブログです。生徒さまへのご指導の他にも、各種パーティー、結婚披露宴への出張演奏を行っております。築110年の京町家「筝春庵(soushunan)」での1日お琴体験レッスンも行っています。母、錦綾子とともに「琴綾会」を主催、京都池坊「こころホール」にて生徒さんと演奏会を開いています。世界遺産・下鴨神社 専属演奏家、輪違屋・島原太夫 専属演奏家。ギターとのDuoをはじめとするジャズユニットMETIAにて、ドラムや尺八との和洋折衷セッションも行います。

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京都 琴(箏)体験教室だより(取材で台湾の方へ)

今日は「Sharing Kyoto」というところの取材で台湾の方へご指導させて頂きました。上手に合奏も出来てとても喜んで下さり嬉しいことでした、沢山お話もしました。そして先日来て下さった方が体験の感想を送って下さいました。皆様の温かなお心に感謝致します。

My partner and I are at the end of our trip round the world and during this trip we've taken many lessons on many instruments. Nowhere did we experience the level of warmth, hospitality, encouragement, and pleasure that we experienced here. Harumi could not have been more welcoming, and importantly, patient and encouraging. She was an excellent teacher. She gave us clear instructions and short demonstrations which allowed us to be playing a melody after only a few minutes. This is very important if you're only here for a single lesson. 

When she joined in with us, the sound of the two kotos playing in harmony was simply magical. We've fallen in love with the sound and one day hope to buy a koto of our own.

After our lesson, Harumi treated us to a beautiful, emotional performance of two songs demonstrating not only her incredible talent but also the depth of what this instrument is capable of. This was hugely inspiring and we felt very honoured to witness it.

If we're lucky enough to visit Kyoto again, we will definitely be coming back here. We couldn't recommend this highly enough.

Thank you Harumi.

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