昨日アメリカのモンタナより来られた方は9月から日本語学校でお勉強中の留学生の方です。とても美しく清楚な感じの方ですが楽しい方で色々と驚くことがありました。Yesterday I got to do something I’ve wanted to do for years.
The Koto, a traditional Japanese harp, isn’t exactly something you can play anywhere you please. I’m so incredibly grateful that I had this opportunity after years of admiration and envy.島崎春美 (Harumi Shimazake) is a professional Koto Performer who teaches the instrument to others at Soushunan. Her family has an extensive history and musical talent flows through their veins. I’m so tempted to hoard the whole experience for myself rather than share it with all of you, but I want everyone to appreciate her work and skill as much as I do.
The lesson was only supposed to be for 80 minutes, but I ended up being there for over three and a half hours. We spent so long chatting in both English and Japanese about our lives and our shared admiration for music. She said that I was her last student of the year, and that I’d given her a good memory. Apparently, though I look like a strong woman (see piercings and tattoos) I act like a lady. She thought it was very amusing. 😂
And honestly she’s an amazing teacher. I was able to learn so many different compositions in such a short time. I’m only sharing clips from a few things here, but I got to play until she was satisfied with each performance. “Almost good” was her favorite expression to use when I was still playing too fast on my last note or rough on certain tricky progressions.
After everything, she played a solo of her own. I sat completely and utterly transfixed, tears quite literally streaming down my face, as she played. I don’t think I have ever heard anything more beautiful in my life.
In the future, I want to take up her offer to play again together with more complex pieces. It’s such an expensive instrument—well worth every penny—and yet I might just have to get one of my own someday.
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