
京都を拠点に活動する琴奏者・島崎春美のブログです。生徒さまへのご指導の他にも、各種パーティー、結婚披露宴への出張演奏を行っております。築110年の京町家「筝春庵(soushunan)」での1日お琴体験レッスンも行っています。母、錦綾子とともに「琴綾会」を主催、京都池坊「こころホール」にて生徒さんと演奏会を開いています。世界遺産・下鴨神社 専属演奏家、輪違屋・島原太夫 専属演奏家。ギターとのDuoをはじめとするジャズユニットMETIAにて、ドラムや尺八との和洋折衷セッションも行います。

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京都 琴(箏)だより(お箏体験・仲良しグループはサイクリング仲間です、アメリカより)      


Ms. Harumi is a wonderful instructor who is passionate about teaching others. I found this class last minute and emailed Ms. Harumi if she was available to teach me and my group of friends the next day and she replies back quickly saying that she could.

This last minute planning turned out to be the highlight of our time in Kyoto! I have no experience playing any musical instruments but she has great patience and taught us very well in English.

After the class, she even put on a small performance while giving us snacks and tea. She truly is so friendly and talented. She has inspired me to learn the koto more after my trip. Thank you so much for the experience!

It's an extraordinary experience in my Japan trip. Ms. Harumi is a great teacher. English teaching is not a problem of Ms. Harumi. She's also an experimental and patient koto teacher. She can delivery every koto playing skill in a clear and simply way. Last but not least, I also enjoy the stunning and professional performance by Ms. Harumi in the end of the lesson.

I really recommend you guys to join this lesson. It's really a special Japan experience.

Check this place out! Teacher is friendly and patient. Definitely a must do experience

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